Claudia Vásquez Gómez | Visual Artist

«Escritura en terreno II: Valdivia». Chile, 2008.

Urban intervention on the roof of the Valdivia river fair based on the text: «What does memory preserve?», measuring 3 meters high x 98 meters long, and video projection on the Pedro de Valdivia bridge of the answers given by the fair’s tenants to the question: What does it mean to you that memory is […]

«De corps present». Francia, 2007.

Performance based on the text: «Capable of saying nothing». Measurements and duration, variable. Group exhibition «Sur Scène». Festival «Rayons Frais, les arts et la ville». Tours, France. 2007. Performance a partir del texto: “Capaz de no decir nada”. Medidas y duración, variables. Exhibición colectiva “Sur Scène”. Festival “Rayons Frais, les arts et la ville”. Tours, […]